All Your Lower Back Pain Needs

Is lower back pain creeping into your life? Are you waking up with a stiff back or finding it increasingly hard to put your socks on in the morning? The clocks have gone back and we have less daylight and less time for activity. Add in a little bit of low energy and mood with a reduction of mobility and it’s no wonder you might be feeling muscles spasms or restricted joints. This short blog will give you the tips and tricks to get your back pain under control.

If it’s your first bout of back pain or you have back pain accompanied with leg pain or any paresthesia such as pins and needles, numbness, burning or shooting electrical pains or anything you’re worried about then please drop me a line to get booked in so that your back pain is properly assessed so we can rule out any sinister underlying causes. Please email to book in with osteopath Shaun Tyler.

The below advice is for general back pain. The most effective treatment is the one that is tailored specifically for you. This will include treatment, specific advice based around your age, activity levels, job and lifestyle. It should include self management techniques and a progressive exercise plan.

Lower Back Pain Advice

Don’t Panic… 90% of people who experience low back pain will be fully recovered by 12weeks. There is good natural history to low back pain. Back pain isn’t often caused by serious structural damage. Try to stay positive as having a good mental state will really help your recovery. However if you’re worried and you don’t feel that you’re managing the pain then please get in touch so we can help you.

Find a balance… I often refer to this as the “Goldilocks Principle.” Too much of one thing whether it be movement or rest can trigger more pain. Too little and there won’t be enough of a stimulis to help you.

Try to keep moving... Movement in the right dose will definitely help you recover quicker and manage your pain. Be mindful not to push through pain. Use the traffic light system below so you can gauge whether you’re doing too much or too little.

Try a pacing strategy… If you’ve read any of my socail media or blog posts then you’ll be familiar with this concept. Pacing is about taking a break before pain reminds you that you need one. This will take a little bit of getting used to to implement effectively. It will help you find “the just right” dose of movement to help you recover more quickly.

Try heat… Applying a heat pack on the painful area for half an hour a day is a great way to help reduce pain. It can also help improve blood flow to the area that brings with it nutrients and oxygen to help the area recover more quickly.

If you try these techniques and you’re still worried or in pain then please don’t hesitate to book in for an appointment with Shaun. You can email or call 07900363938 to book your appointment.