Charity BootCamp

All the competitiors and staff after a hard day of competition.

Yesterday I was a guest instructor for a charity bootcamp on Abbey Fields. It was organised by Gabriel Beckett the owner of Colchester Bootcamp. We helped raise £740.00 for the Samaritans.

As you can see by the photos there was a massive turnout. It was fantastic to see bootcampers of all ages working so hard and having fun.

It was run as a round robin. Three groups of thirty people, moving through three 40minutes fitness sessions with a five minute change over in-between. I taught the boxing session so it was great to take off my osteopath hat and put on my old bootcamp one. The atmosphere was infectious from the intensity, comoraderie and smiles.

I’d really recommend Colchester Bootcamp to anyone who’s looking to get fit and have some fun along the way. They are a great bunch of people and it’s a very friendly and caring community. The lead instructor Gabriel Beckett really cares about his members and offers lots of support and encouragement.

Keep an eye on this blog for the next charity bootcamp.

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Fitnessshaun tyler