It's the 1st of March 2020!

Pinch πŸ‘Œpunch πŸ‘Š it's the 1st of the month β±. I can't belive March is upon us already. Have you made any goals for this month? There are 31 days in March so that's 31 opportunities to make a positive change. 

My personal goal is to try a gluten free diet and to try to get into a daily routine of performing my knee exercises. 

I've been in quite some pain and had a lot stiffness in my knee over the past 6months due to an infection and it's really taken its toll on me. Being in constant chronic pain is draining both physically and emotionally which is overwhelming. 

I've decided to put myself back into the driving seat and see what this month brings. To keep up my motivation I will be posting some of my sessions on here and on my Instagram stories over at @shauntylerosteo .

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